An ideal model to fix the global warming without changing the length of the year

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  • Introduction The Earth migration program is a proposed initiative designed to combat global warming by reducing the Earth’s temperature by approximately one degree Celsius. The project would involve relocating Earth a specific distance away from the Sun to achieve this goal.The following tasks are related to physics and must be performed:
  • Assume that the rightmost point of Earth’s orbit is the starting point of the simulation.
  • Adjust the distance $c$ to move Earth away from its starting point and simulate five new orbits based on the new distance r from the Sun at each time unit.
  • Use the temperature equation that relates the distance of Earth to the Sun to calculate the temperature of Earth at each time unit.
  • Plot the different temperatures of Earth with respect to the time unit.
  • Compute the average temperature of Earth for each of the five different orbits, compare the results and find the new orbit that reduces Earth’s average temperature by exactly 1° .

The project could serve as a thought experiment to help us better understand the challenges and complexities of such a task, and highlight the importance of finding more practical solutions to address global warming.